La Neuveville Family Trees

In July 2010, I discovered family trees for the Cellier of La Neuveville, researched by Dr. Olivier Clottu, at BPUN. The existence of these unpublished works became known when partial Cellier Tableaux were provided by Mssr. Charles Ballif and Mme. Catherine Chapuis of the Museum at La Neuveville, thanks to M. Theo Moeckli. You may view, or download, the Cellier Tableau in jpg form at these links: Cellier Tableau I and Cellier Tableau II.

Similar family trees by Dr. Clottu are available at BPUN for 93 other family names of La Neuveville. These surnames of families of La Neuveville (in the years circa 1400-1700) are listed in the index pages of the two handwritten “Tableaux” notebooks of Dr. Olivier Clottu :

Amiet ,
Ballif , Barillet , Beljean , Belper , Bernard , Beujard , Besson , Blanchard , Bossan , Bosset , Bourcard , Bourgoin , Bourguignon , Bussely ,
Cellier , Chardon , Châtelain , Chiffelle , Conradi , Cornilliat , Cosandier , Courvoisier , de Cressier , Crette , Cunier , Casenier ,
Daulte , Daulte dirTegant , D’Orvin (Dorvin) ,
Faucon , François ,
Gallandre , Gascard , Gelin , Gibert , Gibollet , de Gléresse , Grether , Grimâitre , Gros, Gross , Gurnel , Guillaume ,
Himly (Himely) ,
Imer ,
Jallaz ,
Klenck , Küntzi ,
Landoir , Lescureax (et L. dit L) ,
Mallegorge , Malliard (Maillard) , Marin , Marolf , de Mannghier , Mayoz , Moll , du Mollin , Monnin , Montaga , Morlet , Moyne (Le Moyne) ,
Pelot, Pellot , Pelot (Duc dit P.) , Pernet (Perrenet) , Perrin , Peter , Peterhans , Petitmaitre , Pleidière , Pugnaux ,
Racle , Raclet , Raissiere , Renard , Reyer (Rayer) , de Rive , Rossel , Rosselet, R. dit Charpillod ,
Schad , Schem , Schnider , Sagolin , Sunier , Symonin ,
Taillon (Thellung) , Trittembach , Tutsch ,
Vaigneur , Vyenet (Vienet) ,

Each of these surnames has one or more family trees, in the "Tableaux" (family trees) drawn by Dr. Clottu.
BPUN can provide digitized scans of selected Tableau pages, for a fee. The BPUN reference is:
Genealogical tableaux of La Neuveville familys. Clottu, n°114.
Département des manuscrits de la Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Neuchâtel.
Web site :
Contact:    Tél. 0041 32 717 73 18

These jpg photos of the index pages may help to identify the desired pages:
Clottu Index 1 and Clottu Index 2
The author of these web pages, Alfred Cellier, has available scans of the Cellier and Ballif Tableaux, and photographs of a few others.

Note that some names appear with variant spelling in the book:
"Les familles de la Neuveville, leur origine et leur destinée" / par Olivier Clottu
In: Actes de la Société jurassienne d'émulation. - Porrentruy. - 1949, p. 83-101
It appears that the detailed Tableau research was part of the research for this book, along with his heraldry books.
Read it here: Clottu_Familles_1949.pdf (~ 3 MB)

Be aware that surnames have changed over the years, for various reasons and with different scribes.
For example, Jehan CELLIER (also recorded as SEILLYER or SALLIER) went from Nods to La Neuveville; Jaques CELIER, notary, recorded many baptisms in the 1600-1700s, then later it was CELLIER.
Learn more in Francois Cellier's articles:
The sub-trees of the Cellier families of Nods and La Neuveville are now united (2011 Sep 26),
The early generations II (2013 May 22),
Orthography of Names.pdf (2011 May 10)
Additional insight into the manner in which surnames and given names have changed over time is found in John McCoy's web site:
DUTOIT: A family from Moudon, Switzerland - - - Scroll halfway down to the "Orthography" section.

At, we find listed these "Familles originaires de la commune" : Ballif, Beerstecher, Beljean, Bosset, Botteron, Bourguignon, Cellier, Châtelain, Chiffelle, Cosandier, Courant, Cunier, Daulte, de Bosset, de Chambrier, Deubel, Diem, Diemand, Duc, Eckard, Evard, Exchaquet, Ferrier, Fontaine, Fox, Gascard, Gibollet, Gouzy, Grether, Gross, Gueisbühler, Harsch, Hartmann, Himly, Hisely, Hörning, Imer, Klaye, Klenck, Kohler, Kraft, Krieg, Lamon, Landolt, Lée, Marolf, Morlet, Olivier, Pelot, Petitmaître, Pflüger, Probst, Racle, Rahm, Renaud, Renck, Rieux, Schem, Schmitter, Schnider, Tschiffeli, Türler, Tütsch, von Graffenried, Wyss.